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Halloween makeup, face paint, eye makeup and more

Do you want to know how to do your makeup for Halloween? Halloween is one of our favourite days of the year, but finding the right costume is only part of the challenge. To make your costume really authentic you need the right Halloween makeup, face paint and eye makeup that pulls it all together and gives you the most gruesome and scariest costume ever.

At CostumeBox we have lots of makeup products and prosthetics that you can use to perfect your Halloween costume. So let’s take a look at some of the best Halloween makeup ideas that will get you over the line and make your party guests howl with terror.

Halloween makeup

From decaying teeth to fantasy elf ears, Spock ears, temporary tattoos, slit throats, busted bones and fleshly purulent wounds – we have everything you need to create your perfect horror costume. Maybe you want to create a specific character, for example a gothic vampire, corpse bride, cheerleader zombie or crazy Pennywise clown? Maybe you just want to look as if you have been half eaten by a blood-curdling ghoul? Whatever look you want to create, we have the costumes and the ghoulish makeup to turn your costume into the hounds of hell on Halloween.

Halloween makeup ideas

Along with your costume, you can use Halloween face paint, body paint, eye makeup, prosthetics, skull makeup, and fake blood and flesh to create a terrifying image that terrorises your guests on All Hallows Eve. Spooky skeletons, gangster clowns, zombie delights, luscious vampires, ghoulish little mermaids and the walking dead - these are all fabulous ideas for Halloween. Then there’s the makeup that turns you into all these monsters, from an evil witch, blood thirsty ghoul and crazy zombie to a Voodoo master, horned devil and the list goes on.

Broken bones, suppurating wounds, bullets in the head, flesh wounds, animal attacks, rotting flesh and gouged out eyes - there are so many fabulous ideas for Halloween. So let’s get started by taking a look at how to use Halloween face paint and body paint to create a truly revolting and scary character for All Hallows Eve.

Halloween face paint & body paint tips

Face paint and body paint are the two basic types of makeup you will need to pull together your spooky, ghoulish or horrific costume. These paints can really transform your look into something completely unique and special, but it needs to be as realistic as possible. Your makeup can be as simple or as elaborate as you need to bring an element of both realism and horror to your costume.

So you can use flesh coloured paints, glittery paints, glow in the dark makeup, white paints, clown paints and a whole host of other colours to create the right type of look for your costume. There’s werewolf makeup, witches’ makeup, skeleton makeup, vampire makeup, monster makeup and zombie makeup. Add some fake blood and purulent wounds and you have the perfect combination to make even the strongest stomachs run for the hills.

What to use for Halloween makeup

You can use your own regular makeup for your Halloween makeup, but these usually don’t give you the effect you need to create a really horrifying appearance. At CostumeBox, we have a whole crypt full of theatrical makeup, as well as prosthetics and fake blood that are ideal for both men and women, and easy to apply. So if you are wondering what to use for Halloween makeup – we have you covered.

How to do your makeup for Halloween

Applying theatrical makeup to give a fabulous and ghoulish appearance can be a difficult task, even if you are used to applying your own makeup every day. For people who aren’t used to applying makeup however, it can be a very big challenge. So let’s take a look at how to do your makeup for Halloween with a few simple examples.

Demonic eyes: You can go two different ways with this type of makeup, either applying eye shadow and dark eye makeup to your face or using a transfer that gives you the look you want. For example, you can use dark eyeshadows and eyeliner both above and below your eyes to give them a haunted and sunken look; a mixture of black, purple and blue eye shadows is perfect for creating a hollowed out effect. On the other hand, you can apply one of our Demonic Eye transfers to the skin around your eyes, which gives you a totally different look – these transfers are mix of blood red, orange, gold and black with rhinestones in the shape of dragon wings that curl around your eyes. They are very attractive, whilst at the same time, quite intimidating. So if you want to veer away from a ghoulish countenance and head more towards devilishly fabulous, these Demonic Eyes might just be what you need.

Corpse bride makeup: If you are inspired by Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride, then this is the makeup for your Halloween costume. You need to start with some light blue face paint and apply it to your entire face and neck. Then use some white face makeup around your eyes, not forgetting to cover your eyelashes as well. Use a darker blue face makeup along the crease of your eyelids, blending it in well and then apply false eyelashes above and below your real eyelashes to increase the size of your eyes. Use some black makeup to draw the lines along your cheeks and soften the edges slightly, finishing with an old fashioned pink lipstick. Wear a ghostly bride’s costume and you will make a perfect ghoulish corpse bride for Halloween.

Vampire bites makeup: If you want to be the next vampire goddess this Halloween, you need perfect vampire bites that drip with blood. You have a few options here, depending on your costume. So if you are going with something devilishly fabulous, you might want to check out our vampire glitter blood bites that are adhesive glittery drops of blood you can stick on your neck, cheeks and around the eyes. Your next option are the CostumeBox 3D vampire bite transfers, either two bite marks or a row of teeth marks. Finally, you can use prosthetics for the bite holes and Halloween face paint or fake blood, but the first two methods are a lot easier for novices.

Skull makeup: Designing your own skull makeup might be a challenge but isn’t impossible. A popular design at the moment is to paint the bottom half of your face to look like a skeleton, just using false eyelashes and fabulous eye makeup on the top half of your face. For this Halloween makeup, you will need to start by covering the bottom half of your face in white makeup, following the curves of your eye sockets, outlining and filling in your nose with black makeup. Next, use a thin brush to outline the top of your lower lip with black makeup, continuing this line to either side and up the middle of your cheeks. Finally, to complete your skull makeup you will need to paint short black lines from your nose down your lips to the hollow above your chin and repeat these lines along either side for about an inch. These will be your teeth, which you can leave as simple lines or if you are creative, can be filled in to look like skeleton’s teeth.

Pustulant festering sores: No Halloween costume worth a second look doesn’t have at least one disgustingly purulent wound or suppurating sore. When you are searching for easy Halloween makeup ideas, you can’t get any simpler than the CostumeBox latex prosthetics and temporary tattoos. We have so many different designs that it’s difficult to know where to start. There’s the Walking Dead rot wound, zombie bites, gashes and decaying cheek, gouge wounds, scars, flesh wounds, itchy pustulant wounds, nose bleeds, throat gashes, and even ripped out throat prosthetics. Then we have burned alive prosthetics, stab wounds, bullet wounds, zombie teeth, slash wounds, Frankenstein’s neck bolts and much more. If you want your costume to look horrific, bloody and heart stopping, we have just the makeup you need for All Hallows Eve.

Crazy clown makeup: If you want to put together a Pennywise costume for yourself this Halloween, you need the right makeup. So you need to start with a Pennywise orange wig with a long forehead, because you need to apply the makeup to the forehead of the wig. With this wig in place, cover your face, neck and forehead, right up to the wig with white Halloween face paint (making sure to cover your eyebrows as well), add black eyeliner and black eye shadow around your eyes, paint your nose and lips red, and carry a thin red line up from either side of your mouth over your eyes and past your eyebrows.

Become A Character With Special Effects Makeup.

Halloween just around the corner? Horrify your costume as you decorate your face and body with our realistic special effects makeup range. You will find every wound you’ll need from cuts, bites, zombie flesh to bullet wounds. Whether you want to look as though you’ve got yourself a minor abrasion or you’ve been mauled by a werewolf, here at CostumeBox Australia there’s grotesque special effects makeup that’s just for you. For all you aspiring makeup artists take a look at our selection of liquid latex, spirit gum and fake blood to design your own wounds. Transform yourself into a zombie, a corpse, a fearsome pirate with battle scars or a monster from your nightmares from the selection of SFX makeup. Choose your character and let's get decorating.

Complete Your Costume With Realistic SFX Makeup.

You’ve chosen your horrific character, now let's choose some unimaginable special effects makeup to finish off the look. No matter which character you decide we at CostumeBox have something for any need or budget. If your dressing as a gorish character for Halloween then you’re going to need some freakish special effects makeup to vamp up your costume. We have all the special effects makeup you will need to complete your costume, including bald caps, liquid latex and flesh, spirit gum, putty, gels, prosthetics and more. For those terrifying characters take a browse at our SFX makeup, these prosthetics and transfers look so real, they could fool anyone. Bring those characters to life when applying special effects makeup correctly. So no matter what style, level or colour you’re going for, you’re sure to find something here at Costume Box.

Why wear a mask when you can use your imagination and paint a character on your face and body. What creature will you go as for Halloween or your next themed party? An alien? An animal? A zombie? The selections these days are endless for characters for Halloween. Whatever you choose you can guarantee to find the right special effects makeup here.

Splash Some Blood Around By The Pint.

How do you like your blood? Splattered, dripped, smeared or sprayed? For all those wounds that are needing a touch of red plasma, you can’t go wrong with CostumeBox and our wide selection of fake blood. Our blood will work perfectly with a variety of special effects makeup. Almost every wound is going to have blood trickling out or you’re a vampire or werewolf for the night and are going to need blood to touch your lips. We at CostumeBox have all the blood your going to need to go with your SFX makeup or staging; from thick coagulated blood, splattering blood, arterial blood to oozing 3D blood. If you’re unsure about which fake blood is right for you, then check out our ultimate blood test here. Better get in quick before the vampires drain you dry.

You Won’t Be Squeamish For These Deliveries.

Grab those grotesque special effects makeup in time for Halloween. Whether you need makeup for an event or you need to fill up your makeup kit, we at CotumeBox Australia have all levels of SFX makeup from basic one night use makeup kits to movie quality prosthetics and liquid latex. We have fast delivery from our Sydney warehouse, as well as free and easy returns. So transform yourself into someone else for the night and shock your and friends and family with your transformation.


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